This is a wake up call to Islamic parties in Arab countries. The time has come to emerge in mainstream politics of your respective countries. You were strong and inspired in the 70s and 80s. But selfish leaders tyrannised you and your leaders. Many were killed. Hundreds were thrown in dungeons. Your electoral victories were stolen. The Muslim Brotherhood suffered persecution in Egypt. The Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) of Algeria was forced underground after its electoral victory was annuled by the military acting under instructions from the West. The time has come to possess your possessions.
The Al-Nahda movement of Tunisia which was banned two decades ago was legalised today Tuesday, 1st February, 2011. Al-Nahda was established in 1981 by Rachid Ghannouchi and other intellectuals inspired by the influential Muslim Brotherhood. It was tolerated in the initial years after Ben Ali took power in 1987 but denied legal registration. After a good showing in 1989 parliamentary election, there was a crackdown on its activists and sympathisers. Ghannouchi returned to Tunisia in January after 20 years in exile in London.
Today Al-Nahda is free. Possess your possession. We charge Islamic parties and movements in the Middle East to relaunch their activism with greater vigour, tact and wisdom. Avoid violence. Brothers must not kill brothers. It is haram for Muslims to kill Muslims. Make unity your watchword. Muslims of the world look towards you for leadership. You must not disappoint them.
Dr. Is-haq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC),
Lagos, Nigeria.
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