Saturday, May 24, 2014


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Motto: Dialogue, Not Violence
No. 11, Iba Expressway, LASU-Isheri Road, Iba Express Bus Stop, Iba, P.O. Box 10211, LASU Post Office, HO 102 101, Ojo, Lagos State.
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24th May, 2014
A pastor of the Baptist Church, Ikonifin, Osun State, has attempted to launch false Boko Haram in the State. According to reports, Pastor Olatoke, who is also the CAN President of Ola Oluwa Local Government, conspired with three members of his church, Emmanuel Atanda, Peter Oyedepo and Ogunniyi Babatope to launch a false Boko Haram attack on his church with the aim of blaming Muslims for the attack.

They therefore dressed like Muslims, wrapped their heads in turbans and covered their faces to avoid being recognized by members of the church. They stormed the church during the night vigil held on Sunday 18th May, 2014.

They threw banga which sounded like gunfire thus scaring all the worshippers who thought they were real Boko Haram insurgents.

The worshippers took to their heels, running helter skelter to save their lives. Many of them were injured. The ‘attackers’ then jumped on their getaway motorcycles and sped off into the dark night.

Fortunately the ‘attackers’ were arrested by the youths of the community. The culprits later confessed that they were members of the same church which they came to ‘attack’. They also revealed that it was their pastor who planned the whole thing. When confronted, the pastor said it was just ‘drama’.

MURIC is aware that some people are now trying to bury the case. It is also interesting that none of the newspapers have published the story. Sheikh Daood Imran Molaasan, the President of Jama’at Ta’awunil Muslimeen has called on the state government to deal with the perpetrators.

MURIC hereby alerts the Federal Government, the Senate, the House of Representatives, delegates in the ongoing National Conference, the Inspector General of Police and the Director General of the State Security Services (SSS). They must know that this is exactly how some Christians have been roping Muslims unjustly and labeling us as terrorists. They may try again.
The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) is already investigating the matter. MURIC has dispatched a fact-finding team to Osun State.

We appeal to all Muslims to remain calm and law-abiding. We urge you to intensify your prayers for peace to return to Nigeria.

Pray that Allah should expose all those behind the Boko Haram saga in Northern Nigeria. We assure you that we will not allow anybody to sweep a conspiracy of this magnitude under the carpet. Neither will we sleep until the culprits are dealt with.

Professor Ishaq Akintola                                                                                   Abdul Razaq Uthman
           DIRECTOR                                                                            PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER (P.R.O.)

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