Thursday, May 15, 2014


My dear Muslim brother/sister,
As-Salaam Alaykum,

I call on you to be an agent of change in the Nigerian Muslim Ummah in particular and in the world at large. Muslims have become endangered species. We are at the base of the pyramid of poverty and deprivation. We are constantly harassed and intimidated in our own country. Allah-given and fundamental rights of Muslims are denied them.

Yet all these are happening because we are not proactive. We have been docile for too long. We are in the majority but we have failed to harness our resources. How can we change the pendulum to swing to our side?

In an attempt to find an answer to this question, some adopt violent methods to react to discrimination against Muslims. But violence is not the answer. It merely ends up smearing the good image of Islam, the religion of peace.

It is knowledge-based and mature proactiveness that can earn Muslims the much-desired respect for their dignity.  Every Muslim has a stake in this. Every Muslim must play his own role. We must come together under dynamic groups in order to achieve this laudable objective.

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) whose motto is “Dialogue, Not Violence” is one of such groups. I charge you to be part of our Yahoo Group where issues of common interest to Muslims are ironed out by members spread across different parts of the country. Indeed we have members from all parts of the world in the forum. Our debates are robust, incisive and revealing. It is a chance to come together and share ideas, experiences and lots more.


1.    For those who have Yahoo e-mail addresses:
Go to MURIC Group’s site:

Click on the words ‘+ Join Group’
The screen will immediately take you to Yahoo Sign in page
Enter your Yahoo email address
Enter your password
Click on ‘Sign in’
A visual page will appear and he will be required to type the visual code underneath
Click on ‘send request’ below.

Once this is done you have become a member.

2.    For those using other e-mail addresses, you have two options:
(a)Either to send your email address so we can send you an invitation to which you can respond (by clicking on the word ‘join’ and following subsequent instructions contained in the invitation) or
(b)            Get a Yahoo e-mail address and follow the steps in (1) above.
I look forward to seeing you in the group. Allah bless you as you join us.

Sincerely Yours in Islam,

Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)

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