Friday, October 31, 2014


1st November, 2014





The security details of Hon. Aminu Tambuwal, Speaker of the House of Representatives, were removed on Thursday 30th October, 2014. Justifying the action, the Nigerian Police claimed that by defecting to the opposition party, the Speaker was in breach of Section 68(1)(g) of the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


This is a lame and untenable excuse. Even a child knows that the action was not taken independently by the police. The latter merely followed orders from above. By this action, Allah-Given fundamental human right of the Speaker has been bridged. The Nigerian authorities have demonstrated severally that they are incapable of providing a level playing field for the ruling party and the opposition.


Otherwise let them tell Nigerians what happened to Governor Mimiko when he defected just a few days ago to the ruling party? Was his security aides withdrawn? Wasn’t the Inspector General of Police aware of Mimiko’s defection? What about the travails of Governor Rotimi Amaechi whose security details were withdrawn earlier?


Can the authorities explain what has happened to Tambuwal’s security men? Where are they now? Has the Nigerian Police dispatched them to a new ‘Speaker’ appointed by the police? Is the IG aware of the implications of this withdrawal?


The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) strongly condemns this action. It is capable of plunging the nation into deeper crisis than it is right now. It was a thoughtless, unwise and irrational action. The departure of ambassadors is a prelude to war. A former Minister of Justice was assassinated after his police details allegedly ‘went for lunch’.


MURIC invites President Jonathan to sober reflection. Posterity is bound to judge his actions and inactions. It is unthinkable for Mr. President to allow the withdrawal of the security details of a sitting Speaker in a country plagued by terrorism. It means anything can happen to the Speaker. The buck stops at President Jonathan’s table. Nigerians must therefore hold the president responsible for anything that happens to Hon. Tambuwal.


It is clear from all indications that President Jonathan is not thinking of Nigeria at all. All he is thinking of is how to secure a second term. The grave security situation in the North East means nothing to Mr. President. Men are falling in battle in Mubi, Adamawa State. As at yesterday, Mararraban Pella Junction has become a military cantonment of sorts for Nigeria’s gallant soldiers.


Children below the age of five who have lost contact with their parents are competing with adults in running towards Pella on their way to Yola. Thousands are trekking. Their feet are swollen. They are hungry and thirsty but there is neither food nor water.  


Yet our president is not thinking of this human catastrophe of monumental proportion. He is keen on creating more security problems. Can we imagine what will happen next if terrorists kidnap Tambuwal? Every Nigerian heard Asari Dokubo when he threatened to go violent with Alhaji Lai Muhammed, spokesperson of the opposition. Yet nobody called him to order. Was the police deaf at the time? Was Aso Rock taking a nap at the time?


By allowing such open threats to go unpunished and uninvestigated, the security agencies have exposed not only their ineptitude but their partisanship.


Nigeria is getting worse under President Jonathan. His kinsmen can do anything and get away with it, a la Animal Farm. President Jonathan, the Chief Law Officer of Nigeria, is encouraging lawlessness. The man who swore to defend the unity of Nigeria is dividing Nigeria.


MURIC advises the Nigerian Police to tow the path of professionalism and neutrality. It is the only way they can render service with dignity. We charge the IG to immediately and unconditionally restore the security details of Hon. Aminu Tambuwal. He remains the Speaker until he leaves office.


We advise the honourable members of the House of Representatives to think first of this country before taking any action on this and other issues. We call on President Jonathan to allow due process in the subject-matter. The principle of separation of power must be respected and the president must avoid wielding insolent and despotic power.


Nigeria is presently at the precipice of political hurly bully. Any attempt by the president to use the Deputy Speaker or the security agents to railroad the House of Representatives into taking illegal actions is likely to plunge this country into the abyss of political crisis.


Shaykh Uthman Bin Fudi (Uthman Dan Fodio) once opined that “In an unjust society, silence is a crime”. MURIC therefore invites members of the civil society and all men and women of good conscience to speak up. According to Martin Luther, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."


If they can do this to the fourth most powerful man in the land and get away with it, there is no hope for the man in the street. J. F. Kennedy once warned that the rights of every man “are diminished when the rights of one man are trampled.”


Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)




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