Thursday, November 26, 2015


27th November, 2015,

The Muslim Corpers Association of Nigeria (MCAN) yesterday cleared the air on the raging controversy surrounding the purported ban of the hijab in camps of the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) across the country. MCAN in two separate statements issued in Abuja revealed that members of its executive held a meeting with the Director General of the NYSC, Brigadier General Johnson Olawumi, where the issue was amicably settled

In the first statement titled ‘Ban of Hijab Within NYSC Scheme: A False News’ MCAN reported that the DG apologized to the female corp member who was harassed by the Benue State camp commandant who has since been banned from the camp. The DG also promised to set up a committee to find a lasting solution to the hijab affair. The committee, according to the report, will coopt a member of the MCAN executive.

In the second statement issued by MCAN titled ‘NYSC DG Discredits The Ban Of Hijab’, the group confirmed that only the long hijab which reaches the ankles was banned while any hijab which covers the bosom or reaches the knee is permitted.  

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) welcomes the above development. Contrary to earlier perception, we note with pleasure the DG’s amenable disposition to the hijab question and his transparently liberal mien to religious issues.

We remind the NYSC authorities of the strategic importance of the institution to virtually every Nigerian parent. We therefore urge the body to inject doses of dynamism into its public relations so as to plug any lacuna in communication. Early reaction to issues of public interest will go a long way in preventing misunderstanding.  

Finally, we commend the maturity displayed by MCAN officials on the hijab controversy. We charge all Muslim corpers to discharge their duties with patriotic zeal. We also appeal to the press to avoid sensationalism in their reportage. We commend the DG of the NYSC for his liberality and for adopting an open-door policy in his handling of the hijab imbroglio.   

Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)

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