Monday, December 28, 2015


   Telly Da’wah Embassy, Zone ‘E’ GRA, Iba Estate, Ojo, Lagos State. P. O. Box 10211, LASU Post Office, HO 102  101, Ojo, Lagos State. Tel. 234-818-211-9714.




Today we are all worried about moral decadence in society. We look with consternation at our young girls who have thrown decency to the winds. They expose the sensitive parts of their body freely. Their bellies are for reckless distraction. They come out dressed ‘to kill’. Topless and backless garbs are their stock in trade. They shun dresses which cover them very well unless it is body hug.

What about the young males? They use ear rings, plait their hair like women and sag their trousers! It is a mad world today.

But who is responsible and what is the solution?

Perhaps this short story will provide an insight into the ugly trend. About thirty years ago, a 16-year old school girl became pregnant. She successfully hid the pregnancy from her parents and the school authorities for eight months. This was very easy for her to do because she was a slim girl. For the remaining one month she used a girdle to keep her stomach in check.

She ran into the jungle when she was due for delivery. This dare-devil girl was able to deliver safely in the bush. She abandoned the baby in the bush and fled towards home. The new baby lay on its back, crying all day. Then the unexpected happened.

A wolf which had just delivered its own babies and was actually suckling them heard the baby’s cry. Curious, the wolf went in the direction of the baby’s voice. It discovered the new baby still covered with blood. As if guided by an unseen power, the wolf started licking the blood off the baby’s body.

Suddenly the human baby grabbed the wolf’s dangling breasts and started sucking them, thereby quenching a thirst and hunger which had kept it crying for hours. The wolf responded by bending lower on the baby so that it could suck easily and it did not leave the baby until the latter fell asleep. Allahu Akbar!

The same wolf came back in the morning to suckle the human baby. It repeated this exercise each time it fed its own children. Days and weeks went by and a strange closeness evolved between the wolf and the human baby who grew up to become a handsome boy playing alongside the wolf’s children in the jungle.

About fifteen years later, the wolf-boy wondered into a human habitation in a remote village in South America. The villagers were shocked to see him. He was completely naked. Thinking he was a mad man, they tried to capture him but he was too strong for them. They only succeeded after throwing a net on him and entangling him in the web of a fisherman’s net.

All attempts to speak with him failed as the wolf-boy could neither speak human language nor understand it. He barked each time he attempted to speak. He picked food offered him with his mouth. In fact it took a long time before he started accepting human food as he continued to reject human food. It also took some years before he was trained to eat, speak and behave like a human being. 

Why are we relating this story today?

The above story has proved beyond any doubt that it is the human breast milk that babies take which sustains their humanity till adulthood. A mother’s breast milk turns on the tenderness in children and make them completely human while lack of it or their consumption of animal milk deprives them of human feelings and drives them closer to animals. 

Most of the girls who expose their precious parts in public have lost all sense of shame because they took more cow milk than human milk when they were kids. They do not feel ashamed going about half-nude because cows (whose breast milk they took in form of mechanised milk like NAN, Lactogen, SMA, Nutrend, etc) have no shame. It is the same for area boys who speak like cows or cult boys and armed robbers who cut and kill other human beings mercilessly. 

Can you see a relationship between this story and the ‘area boys’ syndrome? Can you draw any similarity between indecent dressing and the use of cow milk by children? Think about it! Was there any case of cultism in schools 50 years ago? Did young men sag their trousers 40 years ago? Did young girls dress shamelessly in those days?

But now all these ugly things are happening because mothers no longer give their children breast milk long enough. The milk they take affect their mentality. Children behaved like real human beings in the past because their mothers gave them human breast milk whereas children of today behave like animals because they take more animal milk than human milk. Most young mothers today will not breastfeed their babies longer than three months.

This is therefore a clarion call on women to realise the vital role they play in shaping the moral of society. Every child is important just as every nursing mother is important. We appeal to nursing mothers to take proper care of children and stop their rush for material wealth. Responsible motherhood today necessitates two year breastfeeding.

The world is going down the drain due to moral decadence and it is mainly due to the adulteration of breastfeeding procedure with animal milk. Women must come to the rescue. Women must save the world. Women can turn back the hand of this Satanic clock by abiding by the recommended two-year breastfeeding method. Come, women, let us save the world. 

Men also have an important role to play in this affair. Some men ignore their wives during pregnancy. They give little or no moral and material support. A good and responsible husband must provide the means for the welfare of his pregnant wife. Money must be provided to purchase nutritional food and drinks to keep the pregnant woman healthy.

The same care and even more should be given after delivery. A nursing mother needs good food, adequate rest and a balanced diet to enable her breastfeed efficiently. 

Interestingly enough, the Glorious Qur’an commanded nursing mothers to breastfeed their children for at least two good years (Wal-umahaat yarda’na aolaadahuna haolayn kaamilayn, i.e. mothers shall breastfeed their children for two full years Qur’an 2:233).

It is equally interesting that pregnant women and nursing mothers are now being instructed in hospitals to breastfeed their children for two complete years! Yet the doctors and nurses are not aware that the Glorious Qur’an had given this instruction more than 1,400 years ago!
Modern science only recently discovered that human breast milk is the best. It gives natural immunity to children and makes them strong and healthy. Yet it is women who can make this happen because men do not breastfeed.

Telly Dawah Embassy therefore appeals to all nursing mothers and pregnant women to patiently adhere to the two-year breast-feeding period.

We also appeal to governments and employers of labour to extend the maternity leave given to women to enable them spend longer time at home after delivery. 

This is just one of the wonders of Islam. You cannot find the instruction to breastfeed children for two years in any other religious scripture except in the Glorious Qur’an. This is what we mean when we say Islam is a complete religion. It is the natural religion. The religion of the true Creator of heaven and earth, including everything they contain.

I invite you to this pure religion today. Allah loves you and does not wish to exclude you from His blessings. He is also not interested in punishing you. Come to Islam today. Tomorrow may be too late. You are my witness that I delivered Allah’s message to you. 

The process for accepting Islam is very simple. Do not be scared by your past misdeeds. Allah is loving and forgiving. All your sins of the past will be forgiven once you accept Islam. You can then start a new life, a life of total submission to Allah.

You do not have to look for Telly Da’wah Embassy before you become a Muslim. Go to any mosque near your house or close to your workplace and tell them you want to become a Muslim. Or just tell your Muslim neighbour or colleague at work. He or she will take you to the Imam of the nearest mosque.


This tract was prepared by Telly Dawah Embassy. For further enquiries, please call 234-818-211-9714.

Telly Da’wah Embassy was founded in 1995 by Professor Ishaq Akintola for spreading the peaceful message of Islam. Please make copies of this tract and distribute free of charge to earn rewards from Almighty Allah.Allah bless you as you support His cause.

1 comment:

  1. Our world is in confusion and anarchy. She therefore, cries for Peace and Safety daily. But the dilemma is that ONLY ISLAM is her NEED but same ISLAM is her greatest THREAT. THE SOLUTION has been projected as THE PROBLEM by HER own ENEMIES while she is IGNORANT of it. Dear PROF! Bravo!! Keep the good work on...E je ka maa ba won so...
