Tuesday, December 20, 2016


21st December, 2016

 The home of Professor Ishaq Akintola, Director of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) was visited by four suspected gunmen on Sunday, 18th December, 2016. The men, who arrived around 6 pm, wore native dresses and turbans to disguise themselves as Islamic scholars.

The men who came in an old, grey Toyota car made spirited efforts to gain entrance into the house but were denied entry. They were told to dial Professor Akintola’s telephone number if indeed they knew him but they could not do so. Claiming that they had come to invite the professor to a conference, they left after promising to return the next day but nothing has been heard from them since.  

We recall a more brutal attack on the residence of Professor Akintola which took place three years ago. The attack which was carried out by six heavily armed men occurred around 1.20 am. It was clear that they were killers because they entered the building shooting sporadically without demanding for money or any other thing. Although Allah saved the Islamic scholar from the intruders, his wife, Alhaja Aminat Akintola, was shot. One of the vigilante men in the area was killed while two of the attackers were also shot.

We strongly suspect that the latest incident was either an attempt to kidnap the renowned activist or to assassinate him. Akintola is a special asset to Nigeria and the best this country can do for him is to give him maximum protection. We therefore appeal to the Inspector General of Police to ensure the safety of Professor Akintola and his household.

Finally, we call on Islamic scholars and the general public to be security conscious. Under no circumstances should strangers be allowed into people’s homes.

Mallam Yakeen Williams,                                             Shefiu Ayorinde
General Secretary,                                                     Public Relations Officer
                           Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)
08024430147                                                                    08038200327


  1. My heart goes to Professor Akintola and his injured wife. May Allah grant the sister quick recovery and continue to protect the family.

  2. May Allah continue to protect Prof. Akin told and his household, and may He in His infinite mercy expose the evil ones.
