Monday, December 5, 2016


6th December, 2016

Kaduna State Government yesterday declared the embattled Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) an insurgent group.    

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) rejects this new label for an otherwise pacific organization. The new declaration is nothing short of calling a dog a bad name in other to hang it. Kaduna State government is being economical with the truth, killing a fly with a sledge hammer and engaging in executive tyranny.

This is a very dangerous dimension. Coming shortly after a competent court of law ordered the release of the IMN leader, Shaykh Ibrahim El-Zakzaky from detention, this stigmatization is just another attempt by the state government to jump the gun. The declaration is short in equity, long in injustice. But we must remember Martin Luther’s warning that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Kaduna government is pregnant with ingredients of all the five evils which Chamberlain spoke about, viz, brute force, bad faith, injustice, oppression and persecution. Why is it that the only thing men learn from history is that they learn nothing from history? Kaduna has not learnt anything from the Boko Haram phenomenon. Kaduna has chosen to prove both Hegel and Karl Marx right in their postulate that history always repeats itself.

MURIC is however constrained to remind all stakeholders of the divine warning contained in Qur’an 8:25 “Fear a tumult which will affect those who caused it as well as the innocent ones”. Was this not how Boko Haram started? Police brutality and extra-judicial killing of the group’s leader caused its metamorphosis into a terror machine. But is it the police alone that are facing the consequences today?

MURIC calls on well-meaning Nigerians to speak out.
It was the great Shaykh Uthman Bin Fudi (Uthman
Dan Fodio) who said, “In an unjust society, silence is a
crime...” Let us speak up now before it is too late.

But members of the IMN also need to do some self
assessment. Something must be wrong with a system
against which so many neighbours testify.Several people
(including Muslims) confirm that they had had bitter
encounters with members of the IMN. They complain
about the group’s open display of arrogance. All those
people could not have been lying.

Something must be wrong with a doctrine which
embarrasses the rest of the Muslim Ummah and from
which they dissociate themselves.

We commend the leadership of the Nigerian Supreme
Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) for its efforts in
resolving the IMN debacle and the maturity it has
manifested in handling the matter. Due to the sensitive
nature of the issue, NSCIA has engaged in quiet
diplomatic shuttling between governments and the IMN
from the beginning. We urge the NSCIA to continue the

In conclusion, we appeal to the Kaduna State
government to de-label IMN and begin a process of reconciliation and reorientation for its members. That
is the path of visionary leadership and responsible
governance. It is the path of peace. On its own part,
IMN must improve its relationship with other
Islamic organizations.  

Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)

1 comment:

  1. The earlier we are able to solve this problem the better before it will metamorphosis to a very nasty and ugly scenario like that of Boko Haram as rightly.Though IMN needs a lot of restrains which is capable of saving the lives of their members which is being lost every time.The Federal government too needs to find better means of solving this problem without wasting lives of innocent citizen.The Supreme council for Islamic affairs which i see as being pro- active for the first time will have to make the set see reason while they should not infringe other people's right through their usual blockage of roads as often witnessed during their activites.
