Friday, May 26, 2023




25th May, 2023





The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has joined other well-meaning Nigerians in support of the Federal Government of Nigeria for removal of Sex Education from the Basic Education Curriculum (BEC).


This was contained in a statement signed and released on Thursday, 25th May, 2023, by the Chairman, Kano State chapter of the Muslim Rights advocacy group, Malam Hassan Sani Indabawa.


Mr Indabawa said:


"We observe with dismay the orchestrated attack and media campaign against the Honourable Minister of Education, Malam Adamu Adamu, on the directive he issued to the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) to review and expunge all materials related to Sex Education from the nation's Basic Education Curriculum (BEC).


"Although the pronouncement was made since November, 2022, yet the proponents of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CES) are yet to down their tools of deliberate misinformation and smear campaign against the Minister.


"It is very sad to observe that some Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), individuals and other professionals are being used to pressurize Malam Adamu to rescind the directive he had earlier issued concerning the review and removal of all lewd and pernicious sexual contents from teaching materials of the country's basic education curriculum. 


"Most surprising is that even some critics of the Minister's position recognized the fact that the contents of sex education curriculum are perverse, such that observing them may cause greater danger and risks to pupils by exposing them to immorality at tender age.


"We, therefore, recall with pleasure, how the Minister, in his keynote address at the 66th National Council on Education (NCE) meeting held in Abuja, on Thursday, November 3rd, 2022, directed the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) to "quickly" review the curriculum and expunge any sexual education content from the curriculum being used in schools in Nigeria.


"However, in a swift reaction, some CSOs criticized the move by the Minister, rejecting and expressing disappointment over the directives by Malam Adamu, to the Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC). 


"We, on our part, have similarly make it bold and clear that Nigerians of all faiths and cultures reject the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), developed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and partners for worldwide use to promote promiscuity, fornication and homosexuality. All these contradict our faith, culture and values.


"Our children don’t need sex education, what they need is chastity education. They need to learn how to say no and why saying no is in their best interest – physically, emotionally and spiritually. 


"What the proponents of CSE are pushing undermines the religious faith of many students. Muslims and Christian students, who have been taught by their parents that premarital sex, birth control, abortion and homosexuality are wrong, are instead taught strange knowledge that contradicts their beliefs.


"We, therefore, salute the courage of the Honorable Minister and charge the Executive Secretary of the NERDC to expedite action by swiftly removing the entire sex education from the nation's education system.


"We also recognize the support and solidarity of some organizations for identifying with the position of the Federal Government of Nigeria on the removal of sex education from the basic education curriculum. Some organizations like Association of Christian Schools in Nigeria, (ACSN), Concerned Mothers Association (CMA), Pen Publishers and Muslim Students Society of Nigeria (MSSN) "B" Zone, all deserve special mention for their consistent opposition to CSE in our education system. 


"Lastly, we call on all other well-meaning Nigerians to support and encourage the Federal Ministry of Education on this and to ensure that NERDC does the needful by promptly removing the entire sex education curriculum as directed by the Minister from the country's education system. 


"We believe that the global advocacy for sexual and reproductive health education is nothing but a grand design to destroy every fabric of our family value system, decency and modesty that is natural and appropriate in human beings."



Malam Hassan Sani Indabawa,


Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)

Kano State Chapter





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