Saturday, April 16, 2011


Dear All,
As-Salaam Alaykum
I am appealing to all lovers of peace, justice and fairness to join me in condeming the type of explosive extremism displayed by the two US pastors who burned the Qur'an recently. This appeal is to all men and women of conscience. We are calling on the United States to punish these two fanatical pastors who have publicly demonstrated their lack of tolerance for another faith. The US would have lost every moral right to wage war on terrorism or extremism outside its own shores if it could not do same within.
You can join me in doing this by visiting Facebook's 'causes'  at ''.
Click on 'Find a Cause' when the site opens. Type the words 'US Must Punish Qur'an Burners' in the space marked 'Search Causes'. This should open the 'cause'.
Click on the word 'Join' at the extreme right of the page. But dont stop there. Invite others in your address book as well.
Allah bless you for supporting a noble cause.

Is-haq Akintola (Ph.D),
Associate Professor of Islamic Studies,
Lagos State University,
P.O. Box 10211,
LASU Post Office,
HO 102 101,
Ojo, Lagos,
Tel. 234-803-346-4974
I remain oppressed untill the hungry are fed, the naked clothed,
the sick healed and the homeless sheltered

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