Monday, May 2, 2011


2nd May, 2011




The death of Osama Bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaedah, was announced today on several cable networks. Bin Laden was reportedly killed in Pakistan by American special forces. Bin Laden was the alleged brain behind the September 11 attack on the United States.


The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) is not in any way surprised by this development in view of the fact that he has since been a fugitive sought after by all intelligence agencies around the world.


Islam teaches a fatalistic philosophy of death as a necessary end. Qur'an 3:185 says, "Every soul shall taste of death". We have no doubt that Bin Laden's death has come at his appointed time because the Qur'an affirms that no soul shall enjoy an extra minute or second nor shall any be denied a single minute (Qur'an 7:34). The Qur'an also says that only Allah can cause death (Qur'an 3:145). In reality, therefore, Allah allowed the killing of Bin Laden when his appointed time was due.     


MURIC reaffirms its avowed abhorence of violent tendencies. We therefore call on all disciples of violent reactions to embrace dialogue.


It will be assumed that America sought justice and got it. They wanted Bin Laden dead or alive. From now on, the onus lies squarely on America. Post-Bin Laden era must be characterized by respect for the sovereignty of all nations. The violations of territorial integrities must stop. Only thus can mutual suspicion end among nations. The United States must cease to usurp the sovereignty of the United Nations. Justice must be the key word in American international diplomacy particularly in the Middle East.  The arbitrary use of veto in favour of Israel must become an anachronism.


The above are the conditions under which the world can enjoy peace. There can be no peace without justice. The world must not deceive itself into believing that peace would envelope the world once Bin Laden was captured or killed. Justice is the soul of peace. Nobody can deny one and still enjoy the other. We therefore call on America, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the rest of the West to unlock the door of justice and allow the world to breath the air of peace.


Is-haq Akintola (Ph.D),
Associate Professor of Islamic Studies,
Lagos State University,
P.O. Box 10211,
LASU Post Office,
HO 102 101,
Ojo, Lagos,
Tel. 234-803-346-4974
I remain oppressed untill the hungry are fed, the naked clothed,
the sick healed and the homeless sheltered

1 comment:


    World » Asia
    Benazir Bhutto named Osama bin Laden’s killer before her death

    Benazir Bhutto named Osama bin Laden’s killer before her death
    Benazir Bhutto, who was killed in a suicide attack at the end of 2007 stated in November that the Osama bin Laden, the head of the international terrorist network al-Qaida, had been killed. Bhutto claimed that she even knew the man who had killed the prime suspect of 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA. According to Bhutto’s words, Bin Laden was killed by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh – one of those convicted of kidnapping and killing U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl.

    Bhutto released that statement on November 2, 2007 in an interview with Al-Jazeera TV channel. Bhutto spoke in English in the program titled Frost Over the World. However, no one paid any attention to her words. Speaking about the enemies, who did not wish to see her back in Pakistan, she said: “Omar Sheikh is the man who murdered Osama bin Laden.”

    The video of Bhutto’s interview to Al-Jazeera can be found on YouTube (click to watch the video). The assassinated Pakistani prime minister says the words about Bin Laden’s killer during the second minute of the interview. She stays absolutely calm when she pronounces the names. More than 600,000 people have already viewed the video.

    Correspondent David Frost, who interviewed Bhutto, did not even care to ask more questions about the sensational statement. Frost, who is believed to be an experienced journalist, did not even ask Bhutto when Bin Laden was killed.

    Benazir Bhutto’s interview to Al-Jazeera received very little attention from the media. There was practically no newspaper in the world who published the news on its front page, although tens of thousands of people discussed the news for two months. It just so happens that even Al-Jazeera messed it up.

    There was no official who commented on the information. Not a word was said from the CIA and the FBI. They did not even lift a finger to reject it. Absolute silence. But the U.S. administration promised a reward of 25 million dollars for Bin Laden’s body, dead or alive.

    Benazir Bhutto is now dead. She cannot say anything about her sources of information.
