Friday, July 26, 2013


26th July, 2013

A tornado of criticisms has greeted Islam's approval of marriage to minors. Contemptuous cartoons, satirical essays, dirty language and insults have all been used recklessly in the past few days to assail Muslims and intimidate lawmakers.

The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) will not descend so low as to exchange dirty language. We have respect for all homo sapien and for all groups. We also hold firmly to our avowed motto, 'Dialogue, No Violence'. We will join none in heating up the polity because we know the value of peace in the society. Therefore we will not trade insults. Whether people abuse or not, it will not change the facts on ground. Superior argument based on facts will always remain superior, at least to intelligent minds. Nobody can intimidate us.

Even the president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Ayo Oritsejafor, has reportedly threatened to mobilize Nigerians whom he would lead to the National Assembly to demonstrate against what he describes as Senate's acceptance of the law on marriage to minors. Senate President, David Mark, is already showing signs of submission to coercion as he reportedly accused Senator Ahmad Sani of blackmailing Senate to leave the controversial clause untouched.

Instead of jogging people's emotion, MURIC hereby presents facts and figures on legal marriage age around the world for Nigerians to see and judge.

In New Hampshire, United States, legal marriage age is 13 for girls and 14 for boys! In Michigan (US) it is 15 but girls can be married below 15 with parental consent. In Indiana (US) a girl can be married at 14 if she becomes pregnant. In Hawaii and Georgia (US) it is 15 with parental consent.

Now let us go outside America, in Britain it is 16, in fact it is
15 in most European countries. In Venezuela it is 14 with parental consent, 14 in Paraguay, 14 in Mexico, Bolivia 14. Coming to the African continent, the legal marriage age is 14 in Mozambique and 15 in Gabon. In Angola it is 15, Niger 15, Cameroon 15, Congo DR 15, Benin 15, Kenya 16 and Madagascar 14. In Equitorial Guinea it is 12!

So what is all the noise about?
Tanzania adds a more pragmatic scenario: the legal marriage age is 14 but girls below 12 can marry for religious reason with the proviso that the marriage will not be consummated until the girl reaches 12. Gambia, Maldives, Saudi Arabia and Sudan place no age limit at all on marriage. Nigeria ranks among the most conservative in this area as marriage age is still 18 under the law.

MURIC is constrained to ask the following pertinent questions: how are these different from what Nigerian Muslims are saying? Why are some people stereotyping Muslims? Why is anything that has the Islamic tinge contemptuous to some?
How can we truly integrate if you hold Muslims in contempt and you allow them to see the contempt? How do you expect Nigerian Muslims to have a sense of belonging? How can they be patriotic? Can this serve the interest of Nigeria as a nation?

MURIC refers Doubting Thomases who might assume that we concocted these facts, to the following
websites:,,,, etc.

MURIC advises Nigerians to be more liberal in thinking. Mindset approach will never work. We advise all and sundry to read and travel wide. Research is today a potent weapon. The world has become a global village courtesy of information technology. Nigerians should not allow themselves to be shut up in a shell. Ignorance will disappear from this country the day we decide to compare and contrast events in our land with what obtains in other places.

We advise the CAN president to eschew sensationalisation and concentrate more on building a united Nigeria. Threats are not expected from religious leaders. It falls short of being exemplary. Neither can we gain anything from public demonstrations over trivial issues when there are so many other matters begging for attention. Do we realize that Oritsejafor's call is capable of igniting an Egypt-like scenario if Muslims also mobilize their supporters? Should we precipitate another religious crisis? Perhaps CAN leader should begin to study and emulate the calmness and statesmanship of his counterparts.

MURIC rejects the position of Senate president as he hangs the blame on blackmail from Senator Ahmad Sani.
David Mark's claim is an afterthought, laughable, infantile and unacceptable. How can a single senator blackmail the whole Senate? Does it mean the Senate President is incompetent? We remind David Mark that the buck stops at his table. He is expected to have built a pressure-resisting system in his anatomy. He should simply resign if he is tired.

Finally, we urge Muslims all over the country to ignore provocations and remain peaceful and law abiding. We remind Senate that Religion is a sensitive issue. We therefore charge the Upper House to allow sleeping dogs to lie. In view of the prevailing situation in other countries where circumstances such as religion is allowed to determine the issue of legal age of marriage, Senate should leave this controversial clause status quo ante.

Professor Ishaq Akintola,
Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC),

Professor Is-haq Akintola, 
Lagos State University,
P.O. Box 10211,
LASU Post Office,
HO 102 101,
Ojo, Lagos,
Tel. 234-803-346-4974
Twitter:  ishaqakintola
Twitter: ishaqakintola
I remain oppressed untill the hungry are fed, the naked clothed,
the sick healed and the homeless sheltered


  1. May Allah reward your efforts with paradise.More power to your elbow.

  2. Oh..., Barakal Lahu Fikum. Alhamdulillah. This effort should really help Nigerians and Nigeria. Thank you very much Prof. God bless you, your family and organisation.

  3. Salam, alihamdullillah manshallah "Islam indeed Is a perfect religion" jazakum llah prof

  4. Wow.....this is an interesting infOrmation, atleast it will enlighten some of our muslim brothers and sisters who are not informed about marriage. Jazakullahi

  5. Jazakallah Khair

  6. Very nice write up. Making the facts clear but here are my concerns however. Beyond the issues that we, as Nigerians concern ourselves with,isn't there a sincere concern for the girl child? I maintain that marriage isn't exactly childs play, so also is motherhood. Today, what goes into a marriage is so high for a woman, she runs different institutions in one. She is a wife, a friend,a comforter,a supporter,a mother, a cook even a teacher, and that's just listing a few. Now Islam makes the protection of our women a priority, why do we then send out our girls knowing that they aren't ready? Marriage as defined by puberty is physical, that as defined by Islam is AT LEAST puberty, why do we not stress the mental part? There's a huge difference btw a woman and a wife. A wife is 80 percent mental,20 percent physical. That is my point.
    Mental maturity doesn't have an age number but we know its hard to be in a typical 14 year old. That is our duty as responsible parents,the ability to guide the children based on our own experience (as much Allah let's us).
    So whether 14 in America or 12 elsewhere, that shouldn't be a basis for whether its right or wrong cos let's face it,most of what they do is islamically wrong.
    Puberty is not the only basis for marriage in islam ,it is one of the criteria.
    Thanks for the post, really nice to see an intellectual approach to this issue for once.

    1. In fact it's pertinent to differentiate between legalization and enforcement. As per your view marrying a young woman is improper because of some instances you gave. But you yourself can not dispute huge of illicit sexual acts that happens to those girls in question. Are you saying that all these are not important to you? Which is better, legalizing the marriage afterall islam doesn't say they should be married without other considerations or make them early prostitutes? Thanks a lot.

    2. Let me tell you there are some cases in religion that you can just tamper with anyhow. There are some in religion that we may not understand the reason why it is so for now but later. For example early marriage is good for a reasonable parent if they understand the word of God. it is said by the Holy prophet Muhammad that any parent who gives her daughter out in marriage while she is still virgin will enter paradise. So tell me if not through early marriage how shall we attain this most especially at this our time. That is one of the reason I personally extract from early marriage, infact there are many more. Let me tell you something We Muslim we dont play with our religion that is why you see us always fighting for it.

  7. Professor Ishaq AkintolaJuly 27, 2013 at 8:12 AM

    Brother Shams, early marriage protects our women more. Arent you aware of what happens to young orphaned girls? Then think of what is happening today to the girls we nourture and send to school. They hardly find husbands after graduation. Most of them today are, at best, single mothers. Is it not better to have them honourably married at 14 than have them as prostitutes at 12? Listen, Switzerland announced on Thursday that it had started producing condoms of smaller size for 12 year old boys! And who are the boys to have 'legal' fun with? Is it with 40 year old women? No! Expectedly, it is with 9 year old girls.

  8. I wish to express my gratitude to Prof for bringing light to this issue may Allah guide and protect you

  9. Jazakallahu khair sir,may Allah guide us to the ryt path(ameen)

  10. Hello Professor, everyone has been praising you for a good job and I for commend you on good research too. I follow this story and I realized that the approach Senator Yerima and his cohorts used Islamic approach to issues that is controversial like this, this I think generates a chain reaction (keep in mind that Nigeria is a very sensitive country when it comes to RELIGION). I want you to be liberal and I would love to be liberal just as you asked in your essay. First you may need to understand that the law of the Land supercedes both Islamic with Christian Religion. I live in the United States and I see these statistics that you quote. For your infomation Sir, the divorce rate in these countries you mentioned can not be over emphasized. How much more the health issues that surround it. These kids at 14 in these countries are physically and anatomically matured than an average Nigerian of this age. Did you take your time to look at the statistics of women who died during child's labour in these countries as supposed to Nigeria (not to talk of underage child), I know you will agree with me that Nigeria does not have the medical capacity to treat all these unforseen medical circumstances especially Vesico Vaiginal Fistula (VVF). According to an article published in July 20 2012 in Vanguard Newspaper, Dr. Ahmed Yola claimed that 12,000 women develop this disease every year in Nigeria and it results into 75% loss of baby and up to 60% divorce rate. Please be liberal as you asked. We do not want all these in Nigeria. God Bless Islamic Religion, God Bless Christianity Religion and finally God bless Nigeria. Olumide Ogunwomoju

  11. Salam,prof I don't see any issues on what senator is saying.Because early marriage is the best even at the age of 9yrs.Than roaming about on the street for just a little amount of money.

  12. JazaakumuLLahu khayra

  13. May Allah reward you Prof. To all other muslims who still doubt the rational behind this underage marriage issue pls go and re-think, check yourself and ask yourself questions concerning your faith. Prof write up is enough for a wise and peace loving human being.

  14. Jazakallahu khairan prof.
    Anonymous, I am sure you wouldn't agree if the government were to ban the use of brand new cars on our roads siting it as a waste of money since the terrible state of our roads has the potential of damaging brand new cars. I am sure you would immediately say "No!! The government should fix the roads"
    Vesico-vaginal fistula is usually due to obstructed labour which has no age predilection. Risk Factors include abnormal fetal presentation and/or small maternal pelvis which can be found in the young and old. These necessitate C/section which a number of such patients either cannot afford or due to lack of proper enlightenment are afraid of surgery completely and therefore avoid the hospital when in labour. They visit pastors or traditional birth attendants who keep them for too long only to chase them eventually to a hospital where a c/section is done for a dead fetus, ruptured uterus or a fetus with brain damage. The mother eventually develops VVF.
    So, the cause isn't age related but POVERTY. Poverty of knowledge and resources.

  15. Mr. Olumide Ogunwomoju. Please a point of correction.
    1. For me as a muslim my Quran and Hadith which are the law of islam come first before any constitution but not the other way round.
    2. The disease you mentioned and many more are not caused by early marriage but lack of adequate medical facilities, ignorance of expecting parents on the importance of attending ante natal etc. Am sure the good Doctor can give further explanation as to what causes the disease and the death of babies.
    3. My mother was married at the age of 14 when she was just in form two in secondary school. Today she is a Phd holder and I know many more women of the same circumstances with my mother. Early marriage does not deny women of further education unless chosen to do so.
    4. I have little daughters growing up. I will love them to attend the highest education under my roof at least to University level. However the moment they are ready to start bearing children I will marry them out at age 14 or less. The reason is simple I will rather have them married at early age and have children with their husbands than to have children out of wedlock. Religiously, either Christianity or islamically is wrong to have children out of wedlock so it is morally.
    Finally, I have seen many under 14 years old given birth both in Nigeria, Europe and even in the USA where you live, these under 14 are not married yet there is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand every thing is wrong with the man who chose to marry out his daughter at age 14. Don't you think something is missing somehow.

    1. 1.the quran and the bible tell you to adhere to the laws of the land, so according to your 1st point it is not up to what you think but what the law states.
      2.Being the child of an highly educated woman, you should know that medical science has proven and clearly shown that being an underage mother has great complications for both mother and baby.
      3.Because you mum was married at age 14 in form two does not make it plausible/right/okay for others
      4.I think the quran which you believe in and the bible share common ground on the fact that God/Allah gave to everyman the gift of making their own choices and that whatever we sow in eternity are as a result of the choices we make on earth so talk of you marrying your daughters off does not sound like they have much choice in determining their futures hence refusing them their God given right of freedom of choice and who are we mere humans to rob innocent children of the gift God has given them.
      Finally, true we see girls under 14 years have babies but the governments over here and other countries have never said there is nothing wrong with it, thats why they have many educative programmes, psychologists, health workers etc allw orking hard round the clock to prevent such issues and yea there is everythng wrong with a man marrying out his daughetrs like i pointed out earlier and another term for that would not fall far away from.....well u guessed it FORCED MARRIAGE...

  16. I personally don't see any basis for argument here, if this issue is religiously sensitive as it turns out to be, the senate or any other body in Govt should hands off and allow religious bodies decide for there followers rather than Senate president try to force something that's not the acceptance of the majority of Nigerians. Common sense will always dictate early marriage to adultery in whatever form it takes. Olumide and the likes should take note pls.

  17. Prof. u ve spoken well bt there is a need for the girl child to be protected. Irrespective of the statistics you ve presented most developed countries have ensured that women are given equal opportunities as their male counterparts in all areas of endeavours. Having such productive women in our society may not be achieved if they are been given out as minors for marriage!

  18. Alhamdulillah, thank you for enlighting us prof, may Allah reward you abundantly.

  19. I start by saying in all we do, Allah knows best.
    What islam stipulates is clear enough and is not under debate or argument,the benefits also cannot be denied. What is under serious question here is our role as parents because in addition to all the guidelines,our assessment of the situation is key.
    It is us as parents or guardians, saddled with the responsibility of looking at the situation and deciding whether the child is ready or not. If one feels the child is ready at 14 and she wants to go (and also meets all islam requires) then fine, but even if at 18 if your assessment of the girl is that she isn't ready,do you then just push her off?.Afterall, the potential husband must make his intentions known first, it is our duty to do proper checks,marriage is not too small a matter to perform istikhara on. (Correct me if I'm wrong). Part of these checks is to make enquiries about the man's interests and why he wants to marry her. The truth is that no man can claim to see any wife qualities in a 12 year old girl that has reached puberty. So yes,islam says puberty but we should also not ignore our responsibilites as guardians (Allah is the all guarding).
    Let us spend more time showing and teaching our daughters (children) the ways of Allah and we won't in shaa Allah have problems with them as they would have known from childhood what is right and what is not. In the end, it is not our decisions but theirs so rather than emphasizing on pushing them out early to aviod sex, why not emphasize on training them right so they know to avoid sex on their own.
    If you don't train your child right, you can give her out at age 9, she'll still exhibit her lack of training. But if you take good care of your daughter, train her well in islam,social morals,education etc etc, even if she stays till 30, she'll still take care of herself.
    Examples are being given on orphans, what happens is she doesn't find suitors early? Do you force her? Life is a different combination of scenarios as each of us have different destiny but for whatever scenario or destiny,what we do as guardians and the teachings we avail to them decides a lot.

  20. Have we even noticed that most of these debates are done by men? Let's have our sisters comment too. It is hard to fully understand their experience and concerns if we don't ask or hear from them.

  21. One question 'prof', would you give out you 9 year old daughter in marriage? Or would you sleep with a 12 year old? If so you are sick!

  22. Thanks Professor for taking time to enlighten us all,may Allah reward you are as energetic and indefatigueable as I knew you as a child...may Allah never quench your love for a medical practitioner I must concur with brother elebute as to the fact that VVF is more of a socio-economic inadequate medical resources,lack of education,poor funding in rural areas,as well lack of incentives for medical practitioners in rural areas(where we have a high prevalence of such cases) is the major predisposing factor to it,than an early marriage...where the adequate infrastructure is put in place,such issues would have a significantly reduced incidence rate...I appreciate Mr.olujimi's concern and contribution,but I advise further research into VVF,especially CASUSES and PREVENTION....

  23. It gives me joy and happiness to know that both Christians and Muslims are taking the time to dialogue about the uproar of the teen marriage in our Country Nigeria. The prof has made his facts point clear no doubt. All this countries have age limit and so far so good I have researched myself and basically in the United States where he emphasized on. I realized teen legal marriage age is between 17 to 18 years old. Anything below that from 15 years of age must have the consent of the law to back it up with parental guidance, with legal approach of both parents present... even after the marriage parental guardian must be available to the newly wedded. Before buttressing ahead, this argument is it about kids of same age or a 13 years old girl getting married to 35 years old man?? Please lets get the point of this arguments right before causing a calamity in our country. I am a Christian, Catholic by faith and will never support a teen marriage of a girl to a man of 40 years old cos that is barbaric. If the bracket age is sensible then I am in support of it. cos then all the fight we are fighting for regarding the misbehavior of girls will make sense and not the other way round. May the almighty God that created us in his image and likeness grant us all the wisdom to see the truth and speak it. Yah Allah.

  24. Dear sirs, I read the statistics report over and over again and I can't but wonder of what good is marrying a child younger than 18yrs old to the supposed husband and humanity.
    As a mother of fully grown up female children myself, I totally agree with Mr Olumide Ogunwomoju analytical evaluation of the whole concept.
    Perdon me to say without prejudice that marrying a child by any means is more of sextual purpose more often than not.
    How many children from a welloff families are married off by their parent at 9-15yrs old?
    If u look at the statistics it's often the less privileged out of poverty who are most likely affected.
    If a child is wayward why not look for the background reasons and ultimate support to correct the bad situation.
    Harbouring a child for sex and child bearing should not be a solution for waywardness.
    Lastly it's not totally about religiou with me, it's about social and environmental decorum.
    A child can be taking off the street by well meaning indivituals for environmental sustainance and not sextual previledges and pleasures termed as marrying them off the street.


  26. most of those making noise on this marriage age limit are doin so bcos they already have been condition from prejudice and worst of all if you ask them wht there scriptures says abt marriage age limit, they look dumb founded with no answers.

  27. Well said marry your daughter out to your friend at 5yrs..selfish 4 d person that said at 9 instead of roaming around the streets give yours out at 3 watch her being raped at 9,beaten by her hubby at 10..sensless frog..have you all thought of eradicating the fright that comes with the mention of islam..bokoharam n all so called islamic professors are to be held responsible,you are the ones that spoil islam,didn't see you msges when boko haram was bombing and killing claiming Allah permits it ..none of u was bold enough to go to maiduguri and preach about the religion or make efforts to stop talk of egypt am yet to see where other countries passed a law because nigeria operates under the law..was eager to read this piece but oooooooo am so disapointed..and yes am a Muslim

  28. May Allah bless us all the who comment good prayers to prof.amin.

  29. May Allah reward you Prof and increase you in beneficial knowledge. For me I do not feel the need to rationalize what Allah has made hallal for me and for all Muslims. Allah is the All-Knower. He is my Lord and my Law giver. Not some mortal being who doesn't know what the next minute holds for him. Wasalaam Aleik.

  30. Jazakallahu khairan.this serves as lesson to we muslims that we need to prepare our children adequately for early marriage.we should not just be advocates but take positive steps to practicalise Islam.when we look at our at our teenagers a lot of them are physically matured therefore we parents should bring them up to also be emotionally matured ready for marital comitment.may Allah guide us all.

  31. firstly, wikipedia data is untenable research coming from a so called scholar, secondly lets set aside the case of islam and christianity as noticed the prof put so much emphasis on muslims and christians instead of thinking of the implications of marriage on a young child, plain and simple, if anyone of the people commending such actions on here takes out a minute to visualise thier 12 year old daughter or sister being climbed by for example a 25 year old man, made to cook and possibly be pregnant before 13 years of age......(keep your thought to yourselves) also like the so called professor was quick to note the legal marriage ages in different countries but was ignorant enough to leave out the facts(since he did not bother to research but jump to unquantifiable sources like wikipedia) in these countries marriage before 18years of age needs the consent of both saudi arabia where a young girl is married off, they are not allowed to consumate until she reaches adulthood...therefore people dont be carried away by the rubbish data and information the quack professor gave out as he would be the first to request that his students use trusted sources of date in their school presentations...he would give his student poor marks for citing wikipedia as a reference..but he is quick to use that to back up his notion...the reason why he has no concrete information to back himself up is because when something is universally wrong, you can never find a way to properly justify it.

  32. Jazakallahu khairan prof we need more ppl lyk u sir may Allah reward us with jannat firdaus and accept our ibadat

  33. Nigerian should fight for good governance.Please let us stop mixing issues deliberately as VVF and lack of women education has nothing to do with Early marriage. No any sensible and liberal state has a uniform law as regard to religious and cultural issues. That's why in US you find some laws vary from state to state. Please let us respect our differences and live with it or else we have to have a rethink on ouR existence as a Nation.

  34. Matured comm
    ents,godblessu all

  35. Without heating up the polity just as prof said, let be sincere about what we say or do. Islam as muslims always say is a total way of life with it constitution that pre date any other constitution for any country at the moment. And as muslims the islamic law is first. Pls may know what the christain religion say about marriage age? I leave you in peace.

  36. May Allah reward you abundantly

  37. may continuously bless till the day of judgement,and i wish those opposing these facts should also know that a fact is always a fact and unchangeable.anybody attempts to challenge it will always stand a chance lose consistently.i pray they will understand someday.

  38. This is my reply...
    Before Allah,i am but an ordinary who has nothing else in dis world except d Will of Allah,so therefore..
    1-to all those who av made comments so far,thank u all. But note b4 you start talking,think well. Because what you say really potrays who you are.
    2-let everyone no;to be sentimental is very dangerous in making decisions and comments.
    3-is it the law of the created that is more important or the law of the created?
    who is it dat can think more than God
    4-lets face d reality, by dis time,i think we should all have understand d present situation of Nigeria and its political state. These people making this law are self fish,they only do it for thier self interest. The case of yerima and shakarau,was only for personal reason and only want to use the to cover up their mistakes. Because they are muslim doesnt necessary mean that they are doing this for let no one insult the religion of Allah.
    What if they were christians?
    4-let them march towards the senate leave them

  39. Jazakalalahu khaeran to those who comment Godly..nd thanks to the others.
    Prof. May Allah reward abundantly nd spare u for the progress of Islam.
    .All that hapen in other countrries quit difft with the shape of Nigeria problem..where we have freedom of religion then you see Christian depriving Muslim of their right in all ramification. For instance the use of HIJAB by Muslim student in govt secondary,which is denied by christian(CAN), is this decoracy? For the Muslim female student not for christian. IMAGING. Without equilty and giving everone right to practice his/her believ. Telling you there wil be no peace in Nigeria.
    .For those who comment to mock the prof. Its normal thing , you are just a critics 'who knows the way but can't drive the car.
    .In a scenerio like this no body question the Quran..IF you are capable to do it continue,if cant leave but dont go against it,cos Allah who says it know best for us cos he created us..
    .Teanage marriage: is a matter which i personally use to think about..To be liberal as a student with little knowledge of Islam,people run away from early marriage later they fall into it abnormally..
    As a student while i was in primary school in Oyo state one of my classmate got pregnate in final year primary 5 at the age of 13..
    My first year in secondary,one ss2 boy impregnate my classmate at the age of 14.
    Before the end of our junior class more than 10 had been impregnated which 4 of them give birth to fatherless baby while ther father is alive..
    I think if parent parent of those teenage get them married to some one it would hav been better..sorry to say,in some area of Oyo state rarely you sea a lady of 18 yrs old that have n't give birth or abort before....Now The best Student in my department is a very young lady and married..

    Allah knows best.
